The Uniservitate Award 2024

The UNISERVITATE Award is a global recognition, which will be awarded regionally to the best “Service-Learning Experiences in Catholic Higher Education”. This initiative seeks to make visible and promote the quality Service-learning practices carried out in every region worldwide and place them in the spotlight. That is, to acknowledge experiences that account for effective contributions to the solution of socio-environmental problems, identified and addressed in solidarity with organizations and community members.

The Uniservitate Award will distribute a total of 84,000 euros, which will be used to give continuity to the awarded projects or to initiate new ones. The submitted experiences will be evaluated on a regional level. In each region, two prizes of 5,000 euros each will be awarded, and two special mentions of 1,000 euros. In addition, the two winners in each region will be able to travel to the 5th Uniservitate Symposium, which will take place in Rome from October 24th to 25th, 2024.


The Uniservitate Award 2024 has two ’rounds’. In the first stage, applicants are required to fill in general information about their Service-learning experience. The deadline for this first form is March 15. At the end of March, a group of evaluators will evaluate the Service-learning experiences and decide which ones will proceed to the second round. If the experience meets the requirements in form one(1), applicants can fill in a second form(form 2), which asks for more detailed information. The deadline for the second form is April 15.

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